Coding for a game is easy

2 min readAug 30, 2020

There are many things I want to do with computers. Designing websites, Making games and creating an app. I couldn’t decide which is for me the I tried 4 programs like Unity, Blender, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Code. There are things I didn’t understand at the beginning. Now I understand how to code. Every time when I code something I always handwrite it if the code works if is not I try to fix it. If I couldn’t fix it I start to stop coding I start to think about what did I wrong from this code. Sometimes I think with Rubik’s cube 3x3x3x solving it. Then I go walk think about my code from Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. I’ve been using both of them.

I want to make my own game. Then I go to youtube on how to make my own I found out about Unity 3d. I had to Install Unity and Visual Studio 2019.

Unity is not just one thing it has many things I want to use. like 2D game making or 3D gaming. The testing game found out what is wrong.

When I start to learn coding making games. I used to think it was going to be hard to learn about code. Then I realize that it was too easy. Even don’t have a teacher for coding. For the first time when I code something, I learned it from youtube. It was Character movement, Camera movement these are separated code.

This is the Code I been working on. It’s a Web design for my school.

Good thing I am learning these new things for my self.

